In the process of operating wheeled vehicles (cars), special attention should be paid to choosing a service center (maintenance station), establishing long-term and effective cooperation with it. KVK "Rapid" JSC has two such units, namely the Rapid Service Center, which is a broad-based repair unit specializing in trucks from the world's leading manufacturers, and the Rapid Diesel Center, which specializes in the repair of truck fuel equipment.
We advise you to choose a service center based on a set of criteria, the leading one being reputation on the market, the presence of which is due to both extensive work experience and the availability of qualified personnel, as well as the provision of equipment and special tools. KVK "Rapid" JSC definitely meets these criteria, because we have been in the trucking market for over 65 years, and all this time we have been repairing and providing maintenance for both our own trucks and our customers' cars.
When contacting the service center, the specialists of the Rapid Service Center and Rapid Diesel Center recommend:
- be honest and open in communication with service center specialists and report all possible nuances, features, specific needs of your vehicle. As at a doctor's appointment, it is worth describing in detail all the nuances for accurately establishing a "diagnosis" of your car and "prescribing the necessary drugs." We will listen to everyone and carry out repairs and maintenance taking into account your needs, we will pay attention to the smallest details, which will ensure you comfortable operation of the vehicle in the future. We recommend the optimal service schedule, selection of spare parts and materials.
- save the history of the car. It is important for service center specialists to know where, when and how maintenance and repair work was performed in previous periods. If possible, keep supporting documents for previous repairs.
- follow the rules of operation of the vehicle and the recommendations of the manufacturer's plant, including regarding the periodicity of maintenance. Timely contact to the service center will extend the life of your car.
- be in touch In the process of maintenance and repair work, service center specialists may have clarifying questions and suggestions.
- listen to the advice of specialists. Qualified personnel of Rapid service centers will always advise you on preventive works that will avoid unexpected breakdowns on the road and are aimed at preventing the need for emergency repairs.
When contacting the service center, be sure to sign a contract. The law and the contract are your additional guarantee of quality, timely receipt of services for maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles.
The requirements for maintenance and repair of vehicles are defined by the Law of Ukraine "On Road Transport" In particular, the Law defines that the performers of maintenance and repair of vehicles are business entities that meet the following requirements:
- have their own or leased maintenance and repair facilities that meet the requirements established by law;
- maintenance and repair work is carried out by personnel of the required level of professional qualification in accordance with the types of these works;
- have production facilities, maintenance and repair facilities that meet the requirements established by law.
KVK "Rapid" JSC meets all the above conditions and performs maintenance and repair of vehicles at the highest level.
When performing work, we are guided by the Law, the Rules for the provision of services for maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles, approved by the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dated 28.11.2014 No. 615, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 17.12.2014 No. 1609/26386, Regulations on maintenance and repair of road vehicles of road transport, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine No. 102 dated 30.03.1998, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 28.04.1998 under No. 268/2708 , DSTU 2322-93 "Repaired passenger cars. General technical conditions", DSTU 3649:2010 "Wheeled vehicles. Requirements for the safety of the technical condition and control methods", other legal acts, as well as the contract we conclude with each of our clients.
The agreement on maintenance and repair of vehicles, which KVK Rapid JSC offers to its customers, provides for balanced and mutually beneficial conditions that ensure the interests of both the customer and the service center, provide for the possibility of long-term cooperation on the basis of orders-orders with each new application the client for repair or maintenance services. The contract defines in detail the terms of acceptance of the vehicle for repair work, performance of work, terms of payment, rights and obligations of the parties.
Rapid company service centers have many customers who cooperate with us on a long-term basis, satisfied with the quality of service and the level of qualification of our staff.
And one more practical advice - at the first signs of a malfunction, contact specialists immediately and do not wait for it to disappear by itself. This will make it easier to find and eliminate the causes, and most importantly, not to impair the performance of nodes and parts associated with a faulty unit.
We are open to new contacts and ready to cooperate with your company to ensure reliable and trouble-free operation of your trucks. The Rapid company will be glad to see you among our customers.
We are always in touch!
Prepared by Olga Alekseeva, head of the legal department in cooperation with the heads of the Rapid Service Centers, Volodymyr Hmyra and Ivan Dolgov.